• Explore opportunities for joint events or collaborations, such as live shows, interviews, or virtual events.

    Mutual promotion across both platforms for increased visibility.

  • Offer exclusive promotions or discounts on your businesses products for Free Gems Network listeners.

    Drive traffic to your online platforms and generate direct sales.

  • Sponsorship of a special segment highlighting one of your business featured products

    Inclusion of your brand message during this segment.

    Social media promotion showcasing the collaboration.

  • Recognition as the exclusive title sponsor in the podcast intro and outro.

    Weekly mentions during episodes, emphasizing the partnership with your business

    Logo placement on our podcast website and social media channels.

Meet the Hosts

Follow along with our hosts, Ej, Gumbo, Willmatic of Free Gems and Jodi and Anna of Gem Girls Ent, as they discuss a broad range of topics and interview some of the top leaders in their respective industries.

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